Skim the article linked below, then answer the questions that follow.
Why a mission statement is so much more than a quote on a wall
2. Copy and paste your favorite OR least favorite of the mission statements shared in the article? Explain your choice.
Hospitality and Tourism Class
Read the article linked below, then answer the questions that follow.
1. Why is this an important issue?
2. Who are the stakeholders?
3. What possible solutions have been employed or considered?
Financial Literacy Class
Read the article linked below, then answer the questions that follow.
Only 39% of Americans have enough savings to cover a $1,000 emergency
1. What was the second most popular way those surveyed said they would pay for an unexpected expense? Why is this troublesome?
2. How much do experts say you should have in savings at all times? Why?
3. List THREE reasons you believe that 61% of Americans have little to no savings.
1. What was the second most popular way those surveyed said they would pay for an unexpected expense? Why is this troublesome?
2. How much do experts say you should have in savings at all times? Why?
3. List THREE reasons you believe that 61% of Americans have little to no savings.
Business Law Class
Read the article linked below, then answer the questions that follow.
Using new methods to help prevent crime
1. Do you have any questions about how this works?
2. Can you anticipate any problems, issues, etc with such a program?
3. Do you think having an ID can change someone? Why or why not?
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