First, please know that Canvas is current. I'm expecting you to complete all work assigned there. Also, I look forward to glowing reviews from my substitute. Please don't let me down.
Habit #2 is "Begin with the End in Mind". So it's all about visualizing where you want to be in the future, focusing on the specifics, and never losing that focus. Covey's suggestions for ways to begin this kind of thinking include the following:
- List three skills you'll need to improve upon to be successful in your career.
- Write a personal mission statement.
- Look in the mirror, and ask, "Would I want to marry someone like me?" If not sure, then begin working on the qualities you may be lacking.
- Think about your life goals. Write them down. Illustrate them somehow. Post pictures around your room.
- Identify a negative label you think some people may have given you. List a few things you can do to change that label.
Choose ONE of the above and write about it for today's bellringer.
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