Read the article linked below and summarize your response in a few sentences.
Mark Zuckerberg Announces Birth of Baby Girl and More
Business Law Class
Read the article linked below and answer the questions that follow.
Why So Many Dangerous Products Are For Sale
1. What stores are the biggest offenders of selling dangerous products?
2. What are the most common products or problems noted?
3. Why do you think so many dangerous products are sold in the US?
Sports Marketing Class
Go to
1. Name one ad you found on the site. (name product- and athlete if applicable)
2. Does it make sense to advertise this product in this way in this place? Explain.
Marketing Class
Read the article linked below and answer the questions that follow.
How Distribution Plays Into Which Retailers Come to ABQ
1. Why is there no In-n-Out restaurant in ABQ?
2. What reason is given for the lack of retailers willing to come to ABQ?
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