Read the article linked below. Then, answer the questions that follow.
5 Interest Rate Basics to Know in Advance of the Fed's Big Move
1. Name something or someone that IS impacted when the Federal Reserve raises interest rates.
2. How are stocks impacted by such a move?
3. Other than the Fed's interest rate, what is another factor that will influence the rates available to a borrower?
Business Law
Today we'll have a conversation about buying vs renting a home. Chapter 9 will cover all the legal terminology associated with each. Read the article linked below, then answer the questions that follow.
Is Renting or Buying Best for You?
1. List TWO advantages of buying a home vs renting a home.
2. List TWO advantages of renting a home vs buying a home.
Make a mental note of anything in the article you found confusing, so we can discuss.
Sports Marketing Class
Take this short survey on sportsmanship. It is anonymous, so be honest. I'll share results and you can summarize your thoughts on the results for today's bellringer.
Marketing Class
Read the article linked below and answer the questions that follow.
1. Where is's original location?
2. What was Jill Layfield's role with before becoming CEO?
3. Why do you think people with a marketing background often climb the corporate ladder?
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