Read the article linked below. Respond to the prompt that follows.
Utah's Sundance festival starts Thursday with big stars, 'Apollo 11' documentary
1. What kind of impact does Sundance Film Festival have on Park City? Financially and otherwise.
2. Name something that surprised you in this article.
Business Management Class
Read the article linked below. Respond to the prompt that follows.
Five Ways to Finance a Franchise
Choose the financing option that seems most likely for you. List it here with the pros and cons.
Business Law Class
Read the article linked below. Respond to the prompt that follows.
Judge appointments are the long game
Explain the title of the article.
Financial Literacy Classes
Read the article linked below and answer the questions that follow.
Financial Literacy Classes
Read the article linked below and answer the questions that follow.
A janitor secretly amassed an $8 million fortune and left most of it to his library and hospital
1. Wait....huh....HOW?
2. What's the lesson here for you?
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