Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Wednesday - January 31, 2018 / Thursday - February 1, 2018

Financial Literacy Class
Read the article linked below and answer the questions that follow.


1. What age group is considered "millennials"?
2. What does a recent report on millennial saving reveal?
3. How is the millennial mindset regarding jobs unique?

Image result for millennial

Business Law Class
Read the article linked below and answer the questions that follow.

Wild horses facing slaughter after US government proposes new regulations

1. What government agency is ruling on this case?
2. Why do you think our government creates agencies like this instead of leaving these decisions to elected members of the legislature?
3. What are two sides of the argument for how to handle the wild horses issue?

Image result for wild horses

Business Management Class
Read the article linked below and answer the questions that follow.

What is pass-through income, and why is it important?

1. According to the article, what was the rationale for lowering corporate tax rates?
2. What is "pass through" income?
3. What types of business entities enjoy pass-through income status?
4. What percent of businesses in the US are impacted by the cut in the corporate tax rate?

Image result for corporate tax

Hospitality and Tourism Class
Read the article linked below and answer the questions that follow.

To drive revenue, shift the hotel front-desk mindset

1. Copy and paste the one sentence you believe sums up this article best.
2. How can front desk staffs be more than "order takers" who just check people in and out?
3. The article mentions "onboarding" a few times. This was a new term for me. What exactly is onboarding?

Image result for hotel front desk service

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Monday - January 29, 2018 / Tuesday - January 30, 2018

All Classes

Here's another of the 13 virtues by which Ben tried to live his life. Copy and paste it into your bellwork document. Then, say how you think this virtue might serve you well.

Order: Let all your things have their places. Let each part of your business have its time.

Image result for benjamin franklin

Friday, January 26, 2018

Friday - January 26, 2017

Draw four straight lines connected end to end.  In other words, you cannot not lift your pen or pencil.  You must cross through the middle of each dot.  If you've seen this before, DO NOT talk.  If you haven't, DO NOT GOOGLE. Use your brains and think outside the box!

Feel free to use scrap paper for this.  If you are feeling bold, try using drawing tools in Google Docs.


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Wednesday - January 24, 2018 / Thursday - January 25, 2018

Business Management Class
Skim the article linked below, then answer the questions that follow.

Why a mission statement is so much more than a quote on a wall

1. How is a company without a clear mission "set adrift like a boat with no anchor and no rudder"?

2. Copy and paste your favorite OR least favorite of the mission statements shared in the article? Explain your choice.

Image result for a boat adrift at sea

Hospitality and Tourism Class
Read the article linked below, then answer the questions that follow.

1. Why is this an important issue?

2. Who are the stakeholders?

3. What possible solutions have been employed or considered?

Image result for mandalay bay hotel

Financial Literacy Class
Read the article linked below, then answer the questions that follow.

Only 39% of Americans have enough savings to cover a $1,000 emergency

1. What was the second most popular way those surveyed said they would pay for an unexpected expense? Why is this troublesome?

2. How much do experts say you should have in savings at all times? Why?

3. List THREE reasons you believe that 61% of Americans have little to no savings.

Image result for financial emergency

Business Law Class
Read the article linked below, then answer the questions that follow.

Using new methods to help prevent crime

1. Do you have any questions about how this works?
2. Can you anticipate any problems, issues, etc with such a program?
3. Do you think having an ID can change someone? Why or why not?

Image result for chicago crime

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Monday - January 22, 2018 / Tuesday - January 23, 2018

All Classes

I just returned from Philadelphia, so I'm feeling a Ben Franklin topic. He was one of the most productive humans that ever lived. Here's one of the 13 virtues by which he tried to live his life. Copy and paste it into your bellwork document. Then, say how you think this virtue is or isn't needed in PCHS.

Silence: Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself. Avoid trifling conversation.

Image result for benjamin franklin

Friday, January 19, 2018

Friday - January 19, 2018


Use the Internet to answer the following questions:

1. What percentage of college students are graduating with student loan debt?
2. What is the average amount of student debt per student upon graduation?
3. Name THREE things a student could do to avoid graduating from college with debt.

Image result for college student loan debt


Read the article linked below and answer the questions that follow.

Sadiq Khan Accuses Government of Driving Rising Violent Crime in London
(if ever a link doesn't work, please simply google the article title)

1. What have been the specific changes in London's crime rates?
2. What specifically does Khan accuse the government of doing to cause crime rates to rise?
3. Name two crimes described in London that we don't see much of here in the US.
4. What new laws are under consideration regarding individuals and knives? What are your thoughts on this? Explain.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Wednesday - January 17, 2018 / Thursday - January 18, 2018

Read the article linked below and answer the questions that follow.

More States Requiring Students to Learn Financial Literacy
(if ever a link doesn't work for you, simply search google news for the article title listed)

1. Give TWO reasons why, according to the article, many states are starting to emphasize the teaching of financial literacy?

2. Click on the link to the report cited in the article. What grade did Utah receive?

3. How do you think this class might be different than many of the classes you take at PCHS?


Read the article linked below and answer the questions that follow.

(if ever a link doesn't work for you, simply search google news for the article title listed)

1. When was this law originally passed and why?

2. Now that the law has passed in the House of Representatives, what happens next?

3. Which amendment is often cited in arguing against warrantless searches? What protections does that amendment provide?

4. What is your opinion on the government reading the emails of private citizens? Should it be illegal? Or are you okay with it because this will help the government keep us safe from terrorism?

Image result for surveillance

Read the article linked below and answer the questions that follow.

Hawaii's Tourism Industry Gets Proactive to Minimize Damage After False Alarm
(if ever a link doesn't work for you, simply search google news for the article title listed)

1. Specifically, what kind of year did Hawaii have regarding tourism in 2017?
2. According to the article, how does tourism impact the state of Hawaii?
3. Why was Hawaii so quick to address the false alarm issue?
4. Does the false alarm change your attitude toward potential trips to Hawaii? Explain.
5. Do safety issues in general impact vacation decisions in your house? How so?

Image result for hawaii missile warning

Read the article linked below and answer the questions that follow.

Making Lemonade Out of Snow Lemons
(if ever a link doesn't work for you, simply search google news for the article title listed)

1. How can a resort minimize losses during a light snow season? (some ideas in the article, but list some of your own, as well)
2. What, if anything, have you seen Vail do to keep things going this winter?
3. What do local managers do to deal with the seasonality of business in Park City?

Image result for park city slopes in summer

Monday - May 4, 2020

All Classes So I spent the weekend fishing in Bayou La Batre on Alabama's gulf coast. This place was featured on the movie Forrest Gum...