Read the article linked below and answer the questions that follow.
It's Cool to Invest Again
1. What percentage of Americans are invested in the stock market?
2. When was the last major stock market crash?
3. How long did it take for the market to recover from the crash?
4. What has been the average return on stock market investments over the past year?
5. So based on that average, $100,000 invested one year ago would be currently worth how much?
Business Law Class
Read the article linked below. Make a list of 3-5 key words that are driving this case. Be ready to explain.
Taft Conlin’s death at Vail may have
had more to do with signage than the
inherent risk of avalanche, judge rules
Business Management Class
Read the article linked below. Copy and paste the sentence you believe best sums up the article. Give an opinion about this development.
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