Read the following article linked below and answer the questions that follow:
After Oscars debacle, all eyes are on PricewaterhouseCoopers accountant Brian Cullinan
1. What do you think went wrong?
2. How could this have been avoided?
3. Why do organizations like the Oscars even hire accounting firms.
Financial Literacy Class
Read the following article linked below and answer the questions that follow:
Tech Workers Complain About Cost of Living in San Francisco
1. What is "cost of living"?
2. What surprised you about this article?
Business Management Class
Read the following article linked below and answer the questions that follow:
Business Students Willing to Sacrifice Future Earnings for Corporate Social Responsibility
1. What surprised you the most from this article? Cite statistics.
2. Job offer #1 includes an $80,000 salary with a socially repulsive company; job offer #2 includes a $65,000 salary with a company that leads the nation in social responsibility. All other things equal, which job would you take?
Marketing Class
Read the following article linked below and answer the questions that follow:
1. Was it an honest mistake of a publicity stunt in your opinion?
2. Do you think the publicity from this is a net positive or negative for the Oscars?
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