Tis the season for predicting election results. Since we are beginning a unit on the stock market, do some research to say what the market is predicting for the upcoming presidential election. What pattern has existed in the past between market performance and presidential winners? How accurate is this prediction model?
Marketing Class
Go to Newsela, open your binder for this class, and read the assigned article about Instagram. Copy and paste your quiz results for today's bellwork.
Business Management
Go to newsela.com, read the assignment in your binder, and TAKE THE QUIZ.
Business Law
It's finally here...what you've been waiting for...the final habit...
Habit #7 is SHARPEN THE SAW!
Excerpt from Sean Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens...
Do you ever feel imbalanced, stressed-out, or empty inside? If so you're going to love Habit #7 because it was specially designed to help you deal with these problems. Why do we call it "Sharpen the Saw"? Well, imagine that you're going for a walk in the forest when you come upon a guy furiously sawing down a tree.
"What are you doing?" you ask.
"I'm sawing down a tree," comes the curt reply.
"How long have you been at it?"
"Four hours so far, but I'm really making progress," he says, sweat dripping from his chin.
"Your saw looks really dull," you say. "Why don't you take a break and sharpen it?"
"I can't, you idiot. I'm too busy sawing!"
We all know who the real idiot here is, now, don't we? If the guy were to take fifteen minutes to sharpen the saw, he'd probably finish three times faster.
So what do you think this habit is all about? Have some thoughts and then I'll tell you what the author says.
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