Thursday, May 19, 2016

Friday - May 19, 2016 / Monday - May 23, 2016

Final blog post of the school year. Try this riddle. Then submit all your May bellwork for easy points!

1 3 5
2 4 ?

What should be where the ? is? Six would be too easy, so keep thinking.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Wednesday - May 18, 2016 / Thursday - May 19, 2016

Computer Technology Class

Read the article linked below and answer the question that follows.

Why We Need a Cyber Wall

What added layers of security are recommended for online transactions?

Marketing Class

Read the article linked below and respond to the prompt that follows.

Investing in Market Research Can Pay Off for Small Businesses

Copy and paste one sentence that best summarizes this article.

Financial Literacy Class

Read the article linked below and answer the question that follows.

Why We Need a Cyber Wall

What added layers of security are recommended for online transactions?

Sports Marketing Class

Read the article linked below and answer the questions that follow.

It's Time to Fix Baseball's Pace-of-Game Problem

Do you think 3 hours is too long for a game? What is your ideal length for a regulation game in any sport? Explain your answer in terms of sports marketing.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Monday - May 16, 2016 / Tuesday - May 17, 2016

Comp Tech Class

Read the article linked below and give a thoughtful opinion on the topic.

Sports Marketing Class

Read the article linked below and give a thoughtful opinion on the topic.

The Case Against High School Sports

Financial Literacy Class

Read the article linked below and give a thoughtful opinion on the topic.

Payday Loan, Check-cashing Operation Trained Employees to "Never Tell Customer the Fee"

Marketing Class

Read the article linked below and give a thoughtful opinion on the topic.

Instagram Made a Huge Change- and it's Not the Logo

Friday, May 13, 2016

Friday - May 13, 2016


What travels anywhere in the country, but always stays in the corner?

Image result for riddle

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Wednesday - May 11, 2016 / Thursday - May 12, 2016

Computer Technology Class
Read the article linked below and give your opinion.
Snapchat Fights Ban on "Ballot Selfies"

Marketing Class
Read the following update on our friend, Boaty McBoatface. Thoughts?
The Lessons of Boaty McBoatface

Financial Literacy Class
Copy and respond to the following quote. What did he mean? What does it mean to you?

"Almost everything you do will seem insignificant, but it is important that you do it."

Monday, May 9, 2016

Monday - May 9, 2016 / Tuesday - May 10, 2016

Sports Marketing Class

Read the article linked below. Discuss with your group. Record THREE tough words and their meaning, TWO interesting facts, and ONE sentence that sums up the entire article.

How Capitalism Took Over Sports Movies

Financial Literacy Class

Read the article linked below and answer the questions that follow.

How to Avoid Relief Scams

1. What is a "relief" service?
2. Why should many of these offers be avoided?
3. Why do you think people fall for these expensive offers?

Computer Technology Class

Read the article linked below and give an opinion.

Conservatives Accuse Facebook of Political Bias

Marketing Class

Yes, this Venn diagram is written on a napkin, but it is still worth a look. Do your best to explain what this marketing executive was trying to illustrate.

Here's the article if you need some clues.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Friday - May 6, 2016

Call it a riddle if it makes it seem like fun...

Tell me which of the 7 habits could serve you well over the course of this last month of school. Explain. (see back wall for reminders)

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Wednesday - May 4, 2016 / Thursday - May 5, 2016

Computer Tech Class

Read and make a comment or two for today's bellwork. Useful or no?

You Can Charge Your iPhone With Fire!

Marketing Class

Read the article linked below and opine.

Netflix Knows Which Pictures You'll Click on and Why

Financial Literacy

Read the article linked below and make a few related comments.

Some Stores STILL Not Using Chip Technology

Monday, May 2, 2016

Monday - May 2, 2016 / Tuesday - May 3, 2016

Computer Tech Class

Good morning! Read the article linked below and record your thoughts for today's bellringer.

Personal Injury Lawyers Target Snapchat as Potential Cause of High Speed Crashes

Marketing Class

Read the article linked below and record your thoughts for today's bellringer.

"Spying Billboards Use Phone Data to Track Shoppers

Financial Literacy Class

Read the article linked below and answer the questions that follow for today's bellringer.

Your Credit Reports

1. Who looks at your credit report?
2. Name the three credit reporting bureaus.
3. How often should you check your free credit report? Why?

Sports Marketing Class

Read the article linked below and answer the questions that follow for today's bellringer.

1. Why do you think sponsorship associated with the draft has increased?
2. Name two major year-round sponsors of the NFL.
3. Did you watch any of the draft? If so, name a sponsor you remember.

Monday - May 4, 2020

All Classes So I spent the weekend fishing in Bayou La Batre on Alabama's gulf coast. This place was featured on the movie Forrest Gum...