Monday, October 5, 2015

Monday - October 5, 2015 / Tuesday - October 6, 2015

Sports Marketing Class:
In your opinion, who has THE best college football uniforms? What brand do they wear? Attach a pic of your favorite uniform they wear.

Financial Literacy Class:
Read the article Record ATM Fees Rise to $5 on Yahoo Finance and answer the following questions:

1. What is the reason given for banks charging non-members such a high usage fee?
2. Why do you think people continue to use these ATMs?

Business Law Class:
In the wake of the Oregon shooting, there has been lots of talk about gun laws. What are both the sides to this argument? What are your thoughts? Could stricter gun laws have stopped this most recent tragedy? Or is there another solution?

Marketing Class:
Read the article Consumer Flying Would Benefit from True Free Market Forces and answer the questions that follow:

1. What sentence best summarizes this article? Copy and paste.
2. What does the author mean by "free market forces"?

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