Friday, March 29, 2019

Friday - March 29, 2019


Riddle Friday: What phrase does the illustration below represent?

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Wednesday - March 27, 2019 / Thursday - March 28, 2019

Business Law Class
Read the article linked below. What do you think happened here? Why do cases get dropped? Do you think our legal system treats all people equally? Why or why not?

Financial Literacy Class

Read the article linked below. Then, answer the questions that follow.

Three critical steps to secure online banking

1. Which tip did you find most useful or surprising?
2. What are alerts? And how can they help?

Business Management Class

Read the article linked below and answer the questions that follow. You may need to research beyond this article.

Fed expected to stand pat on rates but could signal how long it stays on sidelines

1. Who decides if interest rates should be raised or lowered?
2. How does it impact the average consumer?
3. How do interest rate increases tend to impact the stock market?
4. Why does the fed change interest rates?

Hospitality & Tourism Class

Read the article linked below. Copy and paste the one sentence that best summarizes the article. Then, give your general thoughts.

Hawaii at a 'tipping point' of overtourism, travel experts claim

Monday, March 25, 2019

Monday - March 25, 2019 / Tuesday - March 26, 2019

All Classes

Copy, paste, and respond to the following quote from Poor Richard's Almanac...

“Speak little, do much.” 

Friday, March 22, 2019

Friday - March 22, 2019



There is a green house. Inside the green house there is a white house. Inside the white house there is a red house. Inside the red house there are lots of babies. What am I describing?

Image result for GREEN HOUSE red house

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Tuesday - March 19, 2019 / Wednesday - March 20, 2019


Copy and respond to the following quote from PRA:

Content makes poor men rich; Discontent makes rich men poor.Image result for ben franklin

Friday, March 15, 2019

Friday - March 15, 2019


A man and his son are in a car crash. The father is killed and the child is taken to the hospital in critical condition. When he gets there, the surgeon says, "I can't operate on this boy - he is my son!" How can this be?

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Wednesday - March 13, 2019 / Thursday - March 14, 2019

General Financial Literacy Classes Only

Read the article linked below. Which of the 6 considerations given would be the most important to you and why?

6 Things to Consider When Accepting a Job Offer

Hospitality and Tourism Class Only

Read the article linked below and opine.

Thinking Beyond Punch Cards for Loyalty Programs

Business Management Class Only

Read the article linked below. Then, respond to the prompt that follows.

12 things you need to know about financial statements

Choose TWO topics from the list that mention things beyond financial statements that must be considered by investors.

Business Law Class Only

Read the article linked below. Give your thoughts. Good legislation or no? Explain. Should "hate crimes" be treated differently regarding criminal punishment? Why or why not?

Plan to beef up Utah hate-crimes law clears another hurdle

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Monday - March 11, 2019 / Tuesday - March 12, 2019


Happy Monday! Read, copy, and paste the following quote. Read it again. Then, tell me how you can "enrich the world" in some small way TODAY.

You are not here merely to make a living. You are here in order to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world, and you impoverish yourself if you forget the errand.
Woodrow Wilson
28th US President

Friday, March 8, 2019

Friday - March 8, 2019


Two men and a boy started a never ending race. One of the men can run super fast while the other man can run way faster than the boy. The boy is the slowest runner. What are they?

Hurry up and solve....tic toc tic toc.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Wednesday - March 6, 2019 / Thursday - March 7, 2019


Read the article linked below and answer the questions that follow:

  1. What is expungement?
  2. What does this new bill do for those with criminal records?
  3. Who would this help and how?


Read the article linked below and answer the questions that follow:

10 Resume Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs

Look over the resume assignment on Canvas. Now, see if you can find anything wrong with my assignment. This article advised you NOT to do a couple of things that I assign. Find those two problems. We will discuss.


Go to the Park City Chamber of Commerce - Convention and Visitors Center website. Read about its services.

Why would a business join the chamber?
What benefits are offered to members?


Read the article linked below and answer the questions that follow:

Industrial robots can create more palatable human jobs

1. List a few advantages of using robots in manufacturing.

2. How might this trend impact people in positive ways? Negative ways?

Image result for robots in manufacturing

Monday, March 4, 2019

Monday - March 4, 2019 / Tuesday - March 5, 2019


Copy and respond to the following quote from Poor Richard's Almanac. Try to go beyond literal interpretation. What's the lesson in this?

A full belly makes a dull brain.
Image result for ben franklin

Friday, March 1, 2019

Friday - March 1, 2019


Thirty men and only two women, but they hold the most power.
Dressed in black and white, they could fight for hours.

Who are they?

Monday - May 4, 2020

All Classes So I spent the weekend fishing in Bayou La Batre on Alabama's gulf coast. This place was featured on the movie Forrest Gum...