Thursday, February 28, 2019

Wednesday - February 28, 2019 / Thursday - March 1, 2019


Read the article linked below and respond to the prompt that follows:

The 5 Biggest Job Interview Mistakes You Could Possibly Make

Put these 5 mistakes in order....the worst mistake being #1. Be ready to share.

Image result for worst interview mistakes

Monday, February 25, 2019

Monday - February 25, 2019 / Tuesday - February 26, 2019

Copy and respond to the following quote. Also, list one new habit that would serve you well. Resolve to make this a part of your life!

“Do something everyday that you don't want to do; this is the golden rule for acquiring the habit of doing your duty without pain.”

Mark Twain

Image result for mark twain riverboat

Friday, February 15, 2019

Friday - February 15, 2019


Fill in the blank....

1 3 5
2 4 _

I bet this one drives you crazy!

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Wednesday - February 13, 2019 / Thursday - February 14, 2019

All Lit Financial Classes

Read the article linked below. List THREE tips given that you found most helpful.


Hospitality and Tourism Class

Read the article linked below (it's long, but interesting). Explain how social media could be described as a "double-edged sword" in regards to destination marketing.

Business Law Class

Read the article linked below.....answer the question in the title. Explain.

El Chapo guilty: Will his jailing change anything?

Business Management Class

Read the article linked below. List a few gender tendencies among leaders. Surprised at the findings or no? Explain.

Study: Women Rank Better Than Men at These Leadership Traits

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Thursday - February 7, 2019 / Friday - February 8, 2019

Business Law Class

Read the article linked below and answer the questions that follow.

I was released under the First Step Act. Here’s what Congress should do next.

1. What was the purpose of the First Step Act?
2. What are your thoughts on the law?
3. What does the writer think Congress should do next? Your thoughts on this?

Financial Literacy Class

Read the article linked below and answer the questions that follow.

Americans say this is their biggest financial regret

1. List the Top 4 regrets from the article or chart displayed within the article?
2. What lessons from the article have we already discussed in class?
3. Which of the regrets discussed are things you can begin to address in your life right now? Explain.

Business Management Class

Read the article linked below and answer the questions that follow.

1. List some of the considerations discussed in the article?
2. Why do you think Sole Proprietorships make up the largest category of businesses in the US?

Hospitality and Tourism Class

Read the article linked below and opine. What's the point? Do you like the idea? Explain.

Hotels’ newest helpers: Robot room service

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Monday - February 4, 2019 / Tuesday - February 5, 2019

All Classes

Copy and paste the following quote into your document. Then, put MLK's advice into your own words.

Friday, February 1, 2019

Friday - February 1, 2019


For your first easy one...

Romeo and Juliet are found dead in a small puddle of water, surrounded by broken glass. The apartment building they are found in is located next to the city's main train station. How did they die?

Monday - May 4, 2020

All Classes So I spent the weekend fishing in Bayou La Batre on Alabama's gulf coast. This place was featured on the movie Forrest Gum...