Okay, time for Habit #1...BE PROACTIVE. Basically, being proactive is taking responsibility for your own actions, your own moods, your own learning, your life's path, etc. Being proactive is letting go of things beyond your "circle of control" and directing your energy to things you CAN do.
The opposite of being proactive is being REACTIVE.
Reactive people say things like:
1. "He ruined my day!"
2. "That test was unfair."
3. "It's not my fault."
4. "That's just the way I am."
List a PROACTIVE alternative for each of the above statements.
Next, highlight one of the following baby steps (listed below) that you can incorporate into your life now.
Choose your most unhealthy habit and commit to do something about it right now.
The next time someone flips you off, give them the peace sign.
Stop letting others control YOUR mood for the day.
Work toward eliminating reactive language from your life.