Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Wednesday - December 14, 2016 / Thursday - December 15, 2016

Business Management Class

Login to Newsela. Read the assigned article in your binder about Coca-Cola products in Japan.

Read article at chosen level, complete quiz, and paste a screenshot of your quiz results into your bellwork document. Be prepared to discuss.

Image result for coca cola japan

Business Law Class

Read the article linked below and give your opinion of the company, the $3500 charge, and the pending legislation related to this local story.


Image result for gag order

Financial Literacy Class

Read the articled linked below and answer the questions that follow.


1. What THREE things might happen when a credit card user makes a purchase that pushes him or her over the assigned credit limit?

2. In what ways does the Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act, a.k.a. the Card Act, protect consumers?

Image result for american express cards

Marketing Class

Login to Newsela. Read the assigned article in your binder about Coca-Cola products in Japan.

Read article at chosen level, complete quiz, and paste a screenshot of your quiz results into your bellwork document. Be prepared to discuss.

Image result for coca cola japan

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Monday - December 12, 2016 / Tuesday - December 13, 2016

Copy and respond to the following quote. Also, how do you compute one's financial net worth?

Your net worth to the world is usually determined by what remains after your bad habits are subtracted from your good ones. 

Ben Franklin

Friday, December 9, 2016

Friday - December 9, 2016

Happy Riddle Friday!

You have a barrel of oil, and you need to measure out four gallons. How do you do this if you only have a three-gallon container and a five-gallon container?

Assume you have an unlimited supply of oil and that there are no measurement markings of any kind on the containers. 

As always, NO GOOGLING! 

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Wednesday - December 7, 2016 / Thursday - December 8, 2016

Financial Literacy Class

Do an Internet search for tips on becoming a millionaire. Read a few. Choose one to record for today's bellwork. Be prepared to share.

Image result for millionaire

Business Management Class, Business Marketing, AND Business Law

Login to your Newsela account. Find today's assigned article in my class "binder" on Newsela. Choose your reading level, read, then take the quiz. Paste a screenshot of your quiz results into your bellwork document.

Facebook, Google strike back against websites pushing false information

Monday, December 5, 2016

Monday - December 5, 2016

Copy and respond to the following quote from PRA. It's a challenging one; try to relate it to personal finance:

Many a meal is lost for want of meat.

Image result for ben franklin

Friday, December 2, 2016

Friday - December 2, 2016


What travels anywhere in the country, but always stays in the corner?

Image result for riddle

Monday - May 4, 2020

All Classes So I spent the weekend fishing in Bayou La Batre on Alabama's gulf coast. This place was featured on the movie Forrest Gum...