Sunday, August 30, 2015

Monday - August 31, 2015 / Tuesday - September 1, 2015

Habit #2 is "Begin with the End in Mind". So it's all about visualizing where you want to be in the future, focusing on the specifics, and never losing that focus. Covey's suggestions for ways to begin this kind of thinking include the following:

  1. List three skills you'll need to improve upon to be successful in your career.
  2. Write a personal mission statement.
  3. Look in the mirror, and ask, "Would I want to marry someone like me?" If not sure, then begin working on the qualities you may be lacking.
  4. Think about your life goals. Write them down. Illustrate them somehow. Post pictures around your room.
  5. Identify a negative label you think some people may have given you. List a few things you can do to change that label.
Choose ONE of the above and write about it for today's bellringer.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Thursday - August 27, 2015 / Friday - August 28, 2015

Okay, time for Habit #1...BE PROACTIVE. Basically, being proactive is taking responsibility for your own actions, your own moods, your own learning, your life's path, etc. Being proactive is letting go of things beyond your "circle of control" and directing your energy to things you CAN do.

The opposite of being proactive is being REACTIVE.

Reactive people say things like:
1. "He ruined my day!"
2. "That test was unfair."
3. "It's not my fault."
4. "That's just the way I am."

List a PROACTIVE alternative for each of the above statements.

Next, highlight one of the following baby steps that you can incorporate into your life now.

Choose your most unhealthy habit and commit to do something about it right now.

The next time someone flips you off, give them the peace sign.

Stop letting others control YOUR mood for the day.

Work toward eliminating reactive language from your life.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Tuesday - August 25, 2015 / Wednesday - August 26, 2015

Copy and respond to the following quote:

He who lies down with dogs wakes up with fleas.

Ben Franklin

Friday, August 21, 2015

Friday - August 21, 2015 / Monday - August 24, 2015

Copy and paste today's prompt into a google document. Change the document title to "Bellringers". Then, respond thoughtfully.

What is a habit? Put this into your own words as if explaining it to someone who has never heard the word. Be thorough.

Monday - May 4, 2020

All Classes So I spent the weekend fishing in Bayou La Batre on Alabama's gulf coast. This place was featured on the movie Forrest Gum...